
Your Vote is important – please vote in the Neighbourhood Plan Referendum on Thursday 13th February

A referendum will be held on THURSDAY 13TH FEBRUARY 2025 now that the Fawkham Neighbourhood Plan has passed its Examination. If a simple majority “yes” vote is received from residents of the Parish, Sevenoaks District Council (SDC) will then formally “make” or adopt the Neighbourhood Plan as part of the statutory development plan for the District. Please add this date to your diary so you can cast your vote!

Given that the Referendum is taking place in mid-winter, you may want to consider registering for a postal vote to ensure your vote is heard, just in case travel on the day is compromised. If you’re already registered for a postal vote in elections, that also will apply to the Referendum. If you’d like to apply for a postal vote see: The deadline to register for a postal vote is 5pm on 29th January.

More details below…
We are very pleased to say that the Examination of our Neighbourhood Plan has been completed and that the Examiner recommends the Plan proceeds to referendum, following some modifications.

As the Examiner says: “It is clear that the Fawkham Neighbourhood Plan is the product of much hard work since 2019 by the Parish Council, the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group and the many individuals and stakeholders who have contributed to the development of the Plan. I am satisfied that the Plan reflects the aspirations and objectives of the Fawkham community for the future development of their area up to 2040. The output is a Plan which should help guide the area’s development over that period in a positive way and it should inform good decision-making on planning applications by Sevenoaks District Council”.

The final version of our Neighbourhood Plan can be found here:

We would like to thank all those who took the time to participate by being involved in workshops, visiting the exhibition and completing surveys over the past few years. We have only reached this stage through the involvement of the community.

What came through first and foremost from the evidence gathering and community involvement is the desire to protect the beautiful Kent Downs landscape, with its woodland, open fields, ecological biodiversity and panoramic views, as well as maintaining our community facilities and local economy, protecting our heritage and meeting the very small need for housing originating from the Parish, and thereby allow what is a small rural Parish to retain all that it values highly.

The Examiner made some amendments, or modifications, set out in the Appendix to his report. These are mostly detailed matters to make sure the Plan’s policies have the necessary regard to national policy or SDC’s adopted strategic policies. He has also removed the policy on allocating a site for car parking at Small Grains, because SDC, who own the land, will not make the site available for this. You can read his report here:

Sevenoaks District Council formally approved the Plan at their Cabinet meeting on December 12th:

We will remind you of the referendum closer to the time and you can find some FAQs about the voting process below.

Meanwhile, you can find further information about the Neighbourhood Plan here:, and if you have any questions please email us at

Fawkham Parish Council


Q1. Who can vote in the Referendum?
A1. All those who are registered on the electoral roll for Fawkham Parish and qualify to vote in local elections can vote in the Referendum. You can register to vote here: Please note any overseas electors registered in the Parish will not be able to vote.

Q2. What does the Referendum ask?
A2. It asks the question: Do you want Sevenoaks District Council to use the neighbourhood plan for Fawkham to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area? The options are Yes or No.

Q3. Where and when does the vote take place?
Q3. At Fawkham Village Hall, DA3 8NA, which will be open from 7am to 10pm on Thursday 13th February.

Q4. Do people need photo ID if they vote in person?
A4. Yes. Only original documents can be accepted at the polling station; scanned images or copies cannot be accepted. If your photo ID has expired it will be accepted as long as the photograph is still a good likeness to you.

You can use any of the following:
• Passport
• Driving licence (including provisional licence)
• Blue Badge
• Certain concessionary travel cards
• Identity card with PASS mark (Proof of Age Standards
• Biometric immigration document
• Defence identity card
• Certain national identity cards.

Q5. If someone is registered for a postal vote in elections, does that also apply to the Referendum?
A5. Yes, it does. You can find out about applying for a postal vote here: The deadline to register for a postal vote is 5pm on 29th January.

Q6. Are cards sent by SDC to people’s addresses in the same way as for an election?
A6. Yes, and as soon as possible after the publication of the Notice of Referendum on 9th January. A second set is sent to people who have applied by the deadline to register to vote/to be added to the electoral roll which is midnight on 28th January. Please note you do not need to take your polling card with you to vote.

Q7. Can people appoint someone else to vote on their behalf, i.e. a proxy vote?
A7. Yes, please see information about how to do that here:

Q8. Who organises the Referendum?
A8. It is organised by SDC’s election team, and the Government provides a grant to pay for the referendum.